ICT Blogs 2013-2014

  • http://isnhsictblogs2013-2014.blogspot.com/

Thursday, February 27, 2014


     Another grading has gone by. Almost all the lesson given to me was hard for me because I'm all alone. When answering all given task, I want to give up bacause I don't know how it is. But I try all of my best to analyxe all of them. Fortunatelly I did it.
     Time passes by, its time to enter to school again. Have all my requirements to be ready and have my fourth peroidical test.

Essence of Christmas

     Every year, we celebrate Christmas, the birth of our Jesus Christ. Some said its time to give and recieve gifts. Some said its time for family reunions and other. But do you know what is the true essence of Christmas?

      The true essence of Christmas is, our family. Because we thank we are all present on that occasions. The essence of Christmas is loving one another and sharing.

Climate Change

     God created the world beautiful. And as they said everything change and nothing is permanent in this world.

     Changes happen in our lives every minute of every hour. We are now experiencing climate change because of our bad doings or habits. Nowadays, we are experiencing alarming phenomenas like strong typhoons. So we should stop our improper doings to save our mother earth.

Equal Rights Equal Opportunities

     All of us have equal rights and equal opportunities because God created all of us equally. Men used to be percieved generally as stronger than women. But in time, women slowly and slowly fought for their right to have the same opportunities as the men. 

     Nowadays, in our modern generation, discrimination occured, wherein some of our fellowmen are unfairly treated by some high people. Rich, poor, men and wome, there should be equally treat. We must know our rights as an individual.

     We are all created by God equally so we must have equal rights and equal oppurtunities.

Going Global through English Language

     Every country had its own language. All people has different languages, but through English language we can understand one another.
     Every day that passes by we all encounter new things, different kinds of poeple with different languages but through English we can talk to them.
English Language id our universal language. It was set to be the medium of communication all over the world.